November Highlights

News, events and new titles from Bristol Books this November

A Bucketful of Patience

A Bucketful of Patience, written by Tony Hall, exploring the challenges of living with dementia is selling across the UK as it resonates with so many people.

The book was officially launched at the Bristol Dementia Action Alliance annual award ceremony and AGM at Westbury Baptist Church, Bristol and is available to buy through our website here. The book sets out Tony’s experience caring for his wife Barbara and is full of practical help and advice for those with a loved one with dementia.

Any profits from the sale of the book will go to the Bristol Dementia Action Alliance, which you can learn more about here.

Bristol 650 book launch

The Watershed played host to a major event at which the Bristol 650 book was launched, along with news of other projects being run as part of the anniversary celebrations of Bristol becoming an independent county through a Royal Charter in 1373.

The book brings together essays from over 30 contributors, addressing some of the challenges the city faces and sharing ideas about how we might meet them. From dealing with the past, the future of social care, culture and housing to building a city of aspiration, the book looks to promote learning about the future of Bristol and encourage new ideas to come forward.

Clifton LitFest: Bristol’s Lost City

A special updated edition of Bristol’s Lost City will be featured at the Clifton Village LitFest in November with copies also available at Heron Books in Clifton Arcade during the festival weekend.

Since the book was first published in 2014 telling the story of the 1914 Bristol International Exhibition and its role at the start of the First World War author Clive Burlton has continued to uncover more interesting facts and photographs.

The most recent came while leafing through a catalogue at Yate Heritage Centre in September when he found a previously unknown photo of his own grandfather Stanley Barnes (pictured here) He was standing with his mates in front of a building that was once a part of the 1914 Bristol International Exhibition.

The site was transformed into a barracks in 1WW and Clive is telling the story of Bristol's Lost City at the Clifton Literary Festival on 11th November. Check out the full line up here.

Manson’s Bristol Miscellany Volume 2

“A second helping of Michael Manson’s extravagant, locally-sourced antiquarian buffet. And it’s all good for you as he cherry-picks his way around Bristol’s past, taking in the big history a well as the more incidental quaint and interesting bits like Bristol’s weather and where to find the city’s oldest tree” - Eugene Byrne, Editor of Bristol Times.

A better gift than a selection box for any history-loving friends that you have this Christmas!