Bristol Books in China!

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The biography of Louise Brown, the world’s first IVF baby, published by Bristol Books has now been published in Mandarin for Chinese readers.

Bristol Books first published the story in a hardback book in 2015. It tells how Lesley and John Brown from Bristol became the first people in the world to have a “test tube baby” and the impact that event and the worldwide publicity had on the family and Louise.

Written first-person as Louise by Martin Powell in association with the family the book was updated in 2018 as a softback special 40th anniversary edition to mark Louise’s 40th birthday.

Now “My Life As The World’s First Test Tube Baby” has been updated further and published by the Chinese Society of Reproductive Medicine to inform those working in the state-run fertility clinics in China about the history of the technique and how it affected the family involved.

Martin Powell said: “I never imagined for one moment when I was writing the story that it would end up being published in Mandarin. I went to Chongqing with Louise last year and saw first hand the amazing work now being done in China to help people with fertility problems.

“Louise and her family are proud of their Bristol roots. The IVF technique perfected by Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe was one of the great scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century and changed forever the way people can be conceived. There are now around 10 million people born through IVF in the world.”

The English version of Louise’s book is available in softback and hardback here:
